

学生可以学习作文, 音乐理论, 进行, 音乐的历史, 世界音乐, 人种音乐学, 爵士乐, 岩石, 除了爵士乐,还有音乐剧, 管弦乐, 或者是蓝草乐器, 或声音. Centre’s music program welcomes all students wishing to take private lessons, 课程, or to participate in one or more of our instrumental and choral ensembles.


Whether you want to play in a first-rate college orchestra or sing in a choir, 在歌剧或音乐剧中表演, 在我们肯塔基音乐团演奏, work with world-class artists who come to the 诺顿艺术bwin体育, 或者从我们国际知名的教师那里学习音乐, bwin体育的音乐课程充满了可能性.

Our music program seeks to provide a meaningful, high quality experience in music for every student. Students will be enabled to listen perceptively and communicate clearly about music and broaden their appreciation of musical styles. They will develop and understanding of the interrelationship of the history, 理论, 和音乐练习. 他们会变得更有成就, 有创意的, and expressive 音乐家s through participation in applied study and performance organizations. Students with professional aspirations in music will be prepared for employment and graduate studies in the discipline.


音乐 majors have gone on to a variety of graduate programs and careers.


  • 肯塔基艺术bwin体育
  • 路易斯维尔交响乐团
  • 布拉格夏夜:青年艺术家音乐节
  • 萨凡纳之声音乐节
  • VOICExperience基金会


  • 波士顿大学.A.音乐学)
  • 肯塔基大学.A.音乐治疗)
  • 俄亥俄大学.M.,小号演奏)
  • 科罗拉多州立大学.M.,声音表演)
  • 佛罗里达州立大学.M.,声音表演)


Centre’s music program reflects the fast-changing intercultural landscape of the music industry, 音乐教育及相关领域. 像这样, 学校提供各种各样的课程,以加强学生的准备工作, 包括世界音乐, 嘻哈, 写歌, 感恩而死乐队, 爵士乐, 音乐理论, 甲壳虫乐队, 蓝草音乐, 歌剧, 进行, 音乐制作, 浪漫主义, 反抗音乐, 即兴创作, 伟大的美国歌曲集, 和更多的.




Students engage in hands-on learning experiences and reflection to develop skills and increase knowledge retention.

The music program works closely with the 诺顿艺术bwin体育 to provide experiential opportunities for the artists on their line-up. 结果是, Centre students can attend master classes and workshops with the stars including flutist James Galway, 哈莱姆四重奏弦乐演奏家, 麦吉尔/麦克黑尔三人组, 俄罗斯的复兴, 小号手温顿·马萨利斯, 还有马友友.


We're committed to helping students find quality internship experiences in the career area of their choice.

音乐ally gifted students of all majors are encouraged to perform in any of Centre's instrumental and choral ensembles which include the African Drum Ensemble, 中央室内乐, bwin体育融合系综, 中央交响乐团, 肯塔基音乐团, bwin体育合唱团, 和bwin体育歌手. 


Our extraordinary liberal arts and sciences education prepares students for meaningful lives and careers.

音乐 majors often pursue musical careers in areas such as music director, 音乐家, 歌手, 音乐老师, 艺术家经理, 艺术总监, 作曲家, 乐队指挥.

Man with blonde hair wearing 眼镜 with dark sweater and blue button up dress shirt in front of dark background

约翰·J. 范Niekerk

  • Associate Professor of 音乐 and Director of Choral Ensembles and Voice
  • 音乐项目主席
